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被掩盖和隐藏了100多年的尼古拉 • 特斯拉采访记录









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被掩盖和隐藏了100多年的尼古拉 • 特斯拉采访记录

闻橙子 2020-08-19 00:07:38
March 23, 2018 Baxter Dmitry News, US 15
2018年3月23日,巴克斯特 ·德米特里 新闻

Nikola Tesla gave a rare interview to a journalist namedJohn Smith in 1899 — and the ideas expressed by Tesla were so revolutionarythat the interview was covered up and hidden away for over 100 years, despitehuge public interest in hearing Tesla speak.
1899年,尼古拉 • 特斯拉罕见地接受了一位名叫约翰• 史密斯 (John Smith) 的记者的采访。特斯拉表达的想法是如此具有革命性,以至于这次采访被掩盖和隐藏了100多年,尽管公众对特斯拉的演讲兴趣浓厚。

During the extraordinary, wide-ranging interview, theenigmatic scientist and inventor explained how “everything is light” and thatthe sun’s rays can unravel his visions for the future of humanity.

Tesla was widely believed to have invented ways to providethe whole world with a free and unlimited energy source, but his inventionswere covered up by corporations due to greed and profit made from burningfossil fuels for power.

UTGL reports: Part of this interview is dedicated toTesla’s critics on Einstein’s theory of relativity that discards the ether asenergy. I have proved in the new Theory of the Universal Law why Einstein’stheory of relativity is entirely wrong and why there is no vacuum (void), andthat everything is energy.
这次采访的一部分是特斯拉对爱因斯坦抛弃以太作为能量的相对论的批评。 我已经在新的宇宙定律理论中证明了为什么爱因斯坦的相对论是完全错误的,为什么没有真空,一切都是能量

Thus I confirm Tesla’s ideas as expressed in thisinterview:

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you have gained the glory of theman who got involved in the cosmic processes. Who are you, Mr. Tesla?
记者: 特斯拉先生,你已经获得了参与宇宙进程的人的荣誉。你到底是谁,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: It is a right question, Mr. Smith, and I will tryto give you the right answer to it.
特斯拉: 这是一个正确的问题,史密斯先生,我会尽力给你正确的答案。

Journalist: Some say you’re from the country of Croatia,from the area called Lika, where together with the people are growing trees,rocks, and starry sky. They say that your home village is named after themountain flowers and that the house, where you were born, is next to the forestand the church.
记者: 有人说你来自克罗地亚,来自一个叫做利卡河的地方,那里的人们一起种植树木、岩石和繁星点点的天空。他们说你的家乡是以山上的鲜花命名的,你出生的房子就在森林和教堂旁边。

Tesla: Really, all it true. I’m proud of my Serbian originand my Croatian homeland.
特斯拉: 真的,都是真的。 我为我的塞尔维亚血统和我的克罗地亚祖国感到骄傲。

Journalist: Futurists say that the Twentieth and Twenty-FirstCentury was born in head of Nikola Tesla. They celebrate conversely magneticfield and sing hymns to Inductions engine. Their creator was called the hunterwho caught the light in his net from the depths of the earth, and the warriorwho captured fire from heaven. Father of alternating current will make thePhysics and Chemistry dominate half the world. Industry will proclaim him astheir supreme saint, a banker for the largest benefactors. In the laboratory ofNikola Tesla for the first time is broken atom.
记者: 未来学家说,二十世纪和二十一世纪诞生于尼古拉· 特斯拉的头脑中。 他们反过来庆祝磁场和唱赞美诗的感应引擎。 他们的创造者,就是那从地极抓住网中光的猎人,和从天上抓住火的勇士。交流电之父将使物理和化学统治半个世界。 工业界将宣布他为他们的最高圣人,最大的捐助者的银行家。 在尼古拉 · 特斯拉的实验室里,第一次发现了破碎的原子。

There is created a weapon that causes the earthquakevibrations. There are discovered black cosmic rays. Five races will pray to himin the Temple of the future because they had taught a great secret thatEmpedocles elements can be watered with the life forces from the ethers.
他有一种武器可以引起地震。 他发现了黑色的宇宙射线。 五个种族将在未来的圣殿向他祈祷,因为他们已经教会了一个伟大的秘密,那就是恩培多克勒元素可以被来自以太的生命力浇灌。

Tesla: Yes, these are some of my most importantdiscoveries. I’m a defeated man. I have not accomplished the greatest thing Icould.
特斯拉: 是的,这些是我最重要的发现。但我是一个失败者。 因为我没能完成我想要完成的最伟大的事情。

Journalist: What is it, Mr. Tesla?
记者: 是什么,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There isenough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around theequator, as a ring around Saturn.
特斯拉: 我想照亮整个地球。 我们有足够的电能形成第二个太阳。光线会出现在赤道附近,如土星周围的光环。

Mankind is not ready for the great and good. In ColoradoSprings I soaked the earth by electricity. Also, we can water the otherenergies, such as positive mental energy. They are in the music of Bach orMozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the Earth’s interior, there isenergy of Joy, Peace, and Love. Their expressions are a flower that grows fromthe Earth, the food we get out of her and everything that makes man’s homeland.I’ve spent years looking for the way that this energy could influence people.The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun rays asa food.
人类还没有为伟大和美好的事物做好准备。 在20世纪90年代科罗拉多的斯普林斯,我用电注入大地。 此外,我们还可以注入其他能量,比如正面的的精神能量。它们存在于巴赫或莫扎特的音乐中,或者存在于伟大诗人的诗歌中。 在地球的内部,有喜悦、和平和爱的能量。 它们无处不在,是一朵生长在地球上的花,是我们从她那里得到的食物,是构成人类家园的一切东西。我花了数年时间寻找这种能量能够影响人们的方式。 玫瑰的美丽和芳香可以用作药物,太阳光线可以用作食物。

Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty ofscientists is to find them in every form of matter. Three things are essentialin this. All that I do is a search for them. I know I will not find them, but Iwill not give up on them.
生命有无限的形式,科学家的责任是在每一种物质形式中找到它们。 这里有三件事是至关重要的。 我所做的一切就是寻找它们。我知道我找不到他们,但我不会放弃。

Journalist: What are these things?
记者: 这三件事是什么?

Tesla: One issue is food. What a stellar or terrestrialenergy to feed the hungry on Earth? With what wine watered all thirsty so thatthey can cheer in their heart and understand that they are Gods?
特斯拉:  一个问题是食物。 什么样的恒星/地球能源可以养活地球上饥饿的人们? 用什么酒可以浇灌所有的口渴,使他们可以在他们的心中欢呼,并明白他们是神?

Another thing is to destroy the power of evil andsuffering in which man’s life passes! They sometimes occur as an epidemic inthe depths of space. In this century, the disease had spread from Earth in theUniverse.
另一件事是摧毁罪恶和苦难的力量,人的生活充满了苦难! 它们有时以流行病的形式出现在宇宙深处。在本世纪,这种疾病在宇宙中从地球传播开来。

The third thing is: Is there an excess Light in theUniverse? I discovered a star that by all the astronomical and mathematicallaws could disappear and that nothing seems to be modified. This star is inthis galaxy. Its light can occur in such density that fits into a spheresmaller than an apple, a heavier than our Solar System. Religions andphilosophies teach that man can become the Christ, Buddha, and Zoroaster. WhatI’m trying to prove is wilder, and almost unattainable. This is what to do inthe Universe so every being is born as Christ, Buddha or Zoroaster.
第三个问题是:  宇宙中有多余的光吗? 我发现了一颗恒星,根据所有的天文学和数学定律,它可能会消失,而且似乎没有任何东西会被修改。这颗恒星就在这个星系中。 它发出的光的密度可以与一个比苹果还小的球体相匹配,比我们的太阳系还要重。 宗教和哲学告诉我们,人可以成为基督、佛陀和琐罗亚斯德。 我试图证明的东西是狂野的,而且几乎是不可企及的。这就是在宇宙中要做的事情,因此每个人都是作为基督、佛陀或琐罗亚斯德而诞生的。

I know that gravity is prone to everything you need to flyand my intention is not to make flying devices (aircraft or missiles), butteach an individual to regain consciousness on his own wings … Further; I amtrying to awake the energy contained in the air. There are the main sources ofenergy. What is considered as empty space is just a manifestation of matterthat is not awakened.
我知道重力倾向于你飞行所需要的一切,我的目的不是制造飞行器(飞机或导弹) ,而是教会一个人忆起如何使用他自己的翅膀... ... 进一步说,我正试图唤醒空气中的能量。 所谓的真空中有主要的能源来源。 被认为是真空的东西只是物质没有被唤醒的表现。

No empty space on this planet, nor in the Universe.. Inblack holes, what astronomers talk about, are the most powerful sources ofenergy and life.
这个星球上没有真空,宇宙中也没有。 . 在天文学家所说的黑洞中,是能量,是生命最强大的来源。

Journalist: On the window of your room in hotel“Valdorf-Astoria”, on the thirty-third floor, every morning, the birds arrive.
记者: 每天早上,你住在三十三楼"瓦尔多夫-阿斯托里亚"酒店房间的窗户上,鸟儿都会飞来。

Tesla: A man must be sentimental towards the birds. Thisis because of their wings. Human had them once, the real and visible!
特斯拉:  一个人应该对鸟儿多愁善感。 这是因为它们的翅膀。 人类曾经拥有过它们,真实而可见!

Journalist: You have not stopped flying since thosedistant days in Smiljan!
记者: 自从在史密简的那些遥远的日子以来,你就没有停止过飞行!

Tesla: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell:Children’s calculations could be wrong. Remember, the youth wings haveeverything in life!
特斯拉: 我想从屋顶上飞下来,结果摔倒了:孩子们的计算可能出错了。 记住,青春的翅膀拥有生命中的一切!

Journalist: Have you ever married? It is not known thatyou have affection for love or for a woman. Photos from the youth show you werehandsome man.
记者: 你结过婚吗? 人们不知道你对爱情或女人有感情。青年时期的照片显示你是一个英俊的男人。

Tesla: Yes. I did not. There are two views: a lotaffection or not at all. The center serves to rejuvenate human race. Women forcertain people nurtures and strengthen its vitality and spirit. Being singledoes the same to other people. I chose that second path.
特斯拉: 是的。 我没有结婚。你可以说我爱的很深,也可以说我完全不爱。 该中心旨在使人类恢复活力。 对某些人来说,女性意味着孕育下一代,以及增强其生命力和灵性意识。 但是对其他的人来说,单身也一样能做到。我选择了第二条道路。

Journalist: Your admirers are complaining that youattacking relativity. The strange is your assertion that the matter has noenergy. Everything is imbued with energy, where it is?
记者: 你的崇拜者抱怨你攻击相对论。奇怪的是你断言物质没有能量。 一切都充满了能量,它在哪里?

Tesla: First was energy, then matter.
特斯拉: 先有能量,然后才有物质

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, it’s like when you said that youwere born by your father, and not on you.
记者: 特斯拉先生,就像你说你是你父亲生的,而不是你自己。

Tesla: Exactly! What about the birth of the Universe?Matter is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as Light. Itshone, and there have been appear star, the planets, man, and everything on theEarth and in the Universe. Matter is an expression of infinite forms of Lightbecause energy is older than it. There are four laws of Creation. The first isthat the source of all the baffling, dark plot that the mind cannot conceive,or mathematics measure. In that plot fit the whole Universe.
特斯拉: 没错! 那宇宙的诞生呢? 物质是从我们所知的原始和永恒的能量——光中创造出来的。 它闪耀着光芒,出现了恒星、行星、人类以及地球上和宇宙中的一切。 物质是光无限形式的表达,因为能量比它更古老。 创造有四大法则。 第一个法则是所有令人困惑的、黑暗的情节的来源,这些情节是大脑无法想象的,或者是数学无法测量的。那个情节适合整个宇宙。

The second law is spreading a darkness, which is the truenature of Light, from the inexplicable and it’s transformed into the Light. Thethird law is the necessity of the Light to become a matter of Light. The fourthlaw is; no beginning and no end; three previous laws always take place and theCreation is eternal.
第二个法则是,传播黑暗是光的真正本质,然后从无法解释的事物中,它被转化为光。 第三法则是光成为光的物质的必要性。第四条法则是:没有开始也没有结束; 前三条法则永恒存在,其造物也永恒存在。

Journalist: In the hostility to the theory of relativityyou go so far, that you hold lectures against its Creator at your birthdayparties..
记者: 为什么你对相对论的敌意如此之深,以至于在你的生日聚会上对它的创造者进行指责。.

Tesla: Remember, it is not curved space, but the humanmind which cannot comprehend infinity and eternity! If relativity has beenclearly understood by its Creator, he would gain immortality, even yetphysically, if he is pleased.
特斯拉: 记住,它不是弯曲的空间,而是人类无法理解无限和永恒的心灵!如果相对论的提出者清楚地理解了这一点,他将获得永生,即使是身体上的永生。

I am part of a light, and it is the music. The Light fillsmy six senses: I see it, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. Thinking of itmeans my sixth sense.
我是光的一部分,它是音乐。 光充满了我的六种感官: 我看到它,听到它,感受它,闻到它,触摸它,思考它。 思维意识是我的第六感。

Particles of Light are written note. A bolt of lightningcan be an entire sonata. A thousand balls of lightning is a concert… For thisconcert I have created a Ball Lightning, which can be heard on the icy peaks ofthe Himalayas. About Pythagoras and mathematics, a scientist may not and mustnot infringe of these two. Numbers and equations are signs that mark the musicof the spheres. If Einstein had heard these sounds, he would not createtheories of relativity. These sounds are the messages to the mind that life hasmeaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is thecause and effect of Creation. This music is the eternal cycle of stellarheavens.
光的粒子是书面的注释。 一道闪电可以是一首完整的奏鸣曲。 一千个闪电球就是一场音乐会...... 为了这场音乐会,我创造了一个球状闪电,在喜马拉雅山的冰峰上都能听到。 关于毕达哥拉斯和数学,科学家不能也不能侵犯这两门学科。数字和等式是标志音乐宇宙的符号。 如果爱因斯坦听到了这些声音,他就不会创造相对论了。 这些声音是给心灵的信息: 生命有意义,宇宙完美和谐地存在,它的美是创造的因果。 这种音乐是恒星天空的永恒循环。

The smallest star has completed composition and also, partof the celestial symphony. The man’s heart beats are part of the symphony onthe Earth. Newton learned that the secret is in geometric arrangement andmotion of celestial bodies. He recognized that the supreme law of harmonyexists in the Universe. The curved space is chaos, chaos is not music. Einsteinis the messenger of the time of sound and fury.
最小的恒星已经完成了构图,也是天体交响曲的一部分。 这个人的心跳是地球上交响乐的一部分。 牛顿认识到,秘密在于天体的几何排列和运动。他认识到和谐的最高法则存在于宇宙之中。 弯曲的空间是混沌的,混沌不是音乐。 爱因斯坦是喧哗与骚动时代的使者。

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, do you hear that music?
记者: 特斯拉先生,你听到那音乐了吗?

Tesla: I hear it all the time. My spiritual ear is as bigas the sky we see above us. My natural ear I increased by the radar. Accordingto the Theory of Relativity, two parallel lines will meet in infinity. By thatEinstein’s curved will straighten. Once created, the sound lasts forever. For aman, it can vanishbut continues to exist in the silence that is man’s greatestpower.
特斯拉: 我经常听到它。 我灵性的耳朵就像我们头顶上的天空一样大。雷达增强了我的天生耳朵。 根据相对论,两条平行线将在无穷远处相遇。 这样,爱因斯坦的曲线就会变直。 一旦被创造出来,声音就会永远持续下去。 对于一个人来说,它可以消失,但在沉默中继续存在,这是人类最大的力量。

No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. He is a kindperson and has done many good things, some of which will become part of themusic. I will write to him and try to explain that the ether exists and thatits particles are what keep the Universe in harmony, and the life in eternity.
不,我并不反对爱因斯坦先生。 他是一个善良的人,做了许多好事,其中一些将成为音乐的一部分。 我会写信给他,试图解释以太的存在,以及它的粒子是什么保持宇宙的和谐,在永恒的生命。

Journalist: Tell me, please, under what conditions Angeladopt on the Earth?
记者: 请告诉我,天使降临在地球上需要什么条件?

Tesla: I have ten of them. Keep good records vigilant.
泰斯拉:  有十个条件。你好好记录。

Journalist: I will document all your words, Dear Mr.Tesla.
记者: 我会记录下你所有的话,亲爱的特斯拉先生。

Tesla: The first requirement is a high awareness of itsmission and work to be done. It must if only dimly, exist in the early days.Let us not be falsely modest; Oak knows that it is an oak tree, a bush besidehim being a bush. When I was twelve, I have been sure I will get to NiagaraFalls. For most of my discoveries, I knew in my childhood that I will achieve them;although not entirely apparent … The second condition to adapt isdetermination. All that I might, I finished.
特斯拉: 第一个条件是,对自己的使命和工作有高度的觉察。从他幼年的时候就开始意识到,哪怕只有微弱的存在。 我们不要假装谦虚,因为橡树知道它是橡树,旁边的灌木是灌木。 当我十二岁的时候,我确信我会到达尼亚加拉大瀑布。对于我的大多数发现,还是小孩子的时候我就知道我最终将实现它们,虽然不完全明显... 第二个条件是决心。 所有我能做的,我都做完了。

Journalist: What is the third condition of adjustment, Mr.Tesla?
记者: 第三个条件是什么,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: Guidance for all the vital and spiritual energiesin labor. Therefore purification of the many effects and needs that man has. Itherefore, have not lost anything, but just gained.
特斯拉: 劳动中包含有一切关于生命和灵性能量的指导。因此,劳动具有净化人类心灵的作用和需要。 因此,我没有失去任何东西,只是得到了。

So I enjoyed every day and night. Write down: Nikola Teslawas a happy man… The fourth requirement is to adjust the physical assembly witha work.
所以我享受着每一天每一夜。 写下来: 尼古拉 · 特斯拉是一个快乐的人... ... 第四个要求是用工作来调整物理身体。

Journalist: What do you mean, Mr. Tesla?
记者: 这是什么意思,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: First, the maintenance of the assembly. Man’s bodyis a perfect machine. I know my circuit and what’s good for him. Food whatnearly all people eat, to me it is harmful and dangerous. Sometimes I visualizethat chefs in the world are all in a conspiracy against me… Touch my hand.
特斯拉: 首先是整体的维护。 人的身体是一台完美的机器。我了解我的循环过程,知道什么对它有好处。 几乎所有人都吃的食物,对我来说是有害和危险的。 有时候我想象世界上所有的厨师都在密谋反对我...... 碰碰我的手。

Journalist: It was cold.
记者: 很冷。

Tesla: Yes. Bloodstream can be controlled, and manyprocesses in and around us. Why are you frightened young man?
特斯拉: 是的。 血流是可以控制的,我们体内和周围的许多过程都是可以控制的。年轻人,你为什么害怕?

Journalist: It’s a story that Mark Twain wrote amysterious stranger, that wonderful book of Satan, inspired by you.
记者: 这是一个马克· 吐温写给一个神秘的陌生人的故事,一本关于撒旦的奇妙的书,受到你的启发写的。

Tesla: The word “Lucifer” is more charming. Mr. Twainlikes to joke. As a child, I was healed once by reading his books. When we methere and told him about, he was so touched that he cried. We became friends andhe often came to my lab. Once he requested to show him a machine that byvibration provokes a feeling of bliss. It was one of those inventions forentertainment, what I sometimes like to do.
特斯拉: "路西法"这个词更有魅力。 吐温先生喜欢开玩笑。 当我还是个孩子的时候,有一次我因为读了他的书而痊愈了。 当我们在这里见面并告诉他这件事的时候,他感动得哭了。我们成了朋友,他经常来我的实验室。 有一次,他要求我给他展示一台能够通过振动激发幸福感的机器。 那是我闲暇时的娱乐发明之一。

I warned Mr. Twain as not to remain under thesevibrations. He did not listen and stayed longer. It ended by being, like arocket, holding pants, darted into a certain room. It was a diabolically funny,but I kept the seriousness.
我警告过吐温先生不要过长时间沉浸在这种情绪之中。 他没有听,呆了很长时间。 最后,他像火箭一样,提着裤子,冲进卫生间。这是一个恶魔般的滑稽,但我忍住没笑。

But, to adjust the physical circuit, in addition to food,dream is very important. From a long and exhausting work, which requiredsuperhuman effort, after one hour of sleep, I’d be fully recovered. I gainedthe ability to manage sleep, to fell asleep and wake up in the time which Ihave designated. If I do something that I do not understand, I force myself tothink about it in my dream, and thus find a solution.

Tesla: The fifth condition of adjustment is memory.Perhaps in the most people, the brain is keeper of knowledge about the worldand the knowledge gained through the life. My brain is engaged in moreimportant things than remembering, it is picking what is required at a givenmoment. This is all around us. It should only be consumed. Everything that weonce saw, hear, read and learn, accompanies us in the form of light particles.To me, these particles are obedient and faithful.
特斯拉: 调整的第五个条件是记忆。也许对大多数人来说,大脑是关于世界的知识和从生活中获得的知识的保管者。 我的大脑专注于比记忆更重要的事情——在适当的时刻挑选需要的东西——这些是我们周围的一切。 它只应该被消耗掉。 我们曾经看到、听到、阅读和学习的一切,都以光粒子的形式伴随着我们。 对我来说,这些粒子是顺从和忠实的。

Goethe’s Faust, my favorite book, I learned by heart inGerman as a student, and now it can all recite. I held my inventions for years‘in my head “, and only then I realized them.
歌德的《浮士德》 ,我最喜欢的一本书,我还是学生的时候就用德语背下来了,直到现在我还能背诵出来。我把我的发明放在脑子里好几年了,直到那时我才意识到它们。

Journalist: You often mentioned the power ofvisualization.
记者: 你经常提到视觉化的力量。

Tesla: I might have to thank to visualization for all thatI invented. The events of my life and my inventions are real in front of myeyes, visible as each occurrence or the item. In my youth, I was frightened ofnot knowing what it is, but later, I learned to use this power as anexceptional talent and gift. I nurtured it, and jealously guarded. I also madecorrections by visualization on most of my inventions, and finish them thatway, by visualization I mentally solve complex mathematical equations. For thatgift I have, I will receive rank High Lama in Tibet.
特斯拉: 可能我发明的所有东西都要归功于可视化。我生活中发生的事情和我的发明在我眼前都是真实的,每一个事件或物品都是可见的。 在我年轻的时候,我很害怕,不知道它是什么,但后来,我学会了运用这种力量,这是一种特殊的天赋和礼物。我精心培育它,小心翼翼地保护着它。 我还对我的大多数发明进行了可视化校正,并以此方式完成它们,通过可视化我在头脑中解决了复杂的数学方程。 因为这份礼物,我将在西藏接见高僧。

My eyesight and hearing are perfect and, dare to say,stronger than other people. I hear the thunder of a hundred fifty miles away,and I see colors in the sky that others cannot see. This enlargement of visionand hearing, I had as a child. Later I consciously developed.
我的视力和听力是完美的,而且,我敢说,比其他人更强。 我能听到一百五十英里外的雷声,我能看见别人看不到的天空的色彩。这种视觉和听觉的扩大,我小时候就有过。 后来我有意识地发展了。

Journalist: In youth, you have several times been seriouslyill. Is it a disease and a requirement to adapt?
记者: 年轻的时候,你好几次病得很重。这种疾病,是适应的必要条件吗?

Tesla: Yes. It is often the result of a lack of exhaustionor vital force, but often the purification of mind and body from the toxinsthat have accumulated. It is necessary that a man suffers from time to time.The source of most disease is in the spirit. Therefore the spirit and can curemost diseases. As a student, I got sick of cholera which raged in the region ofLika. I was cured because my father finally allowed me to study technology,which was my life. Illusion for me was not a disease, but the mind’s ability topenetrate beyond the three dimensions of the earth.
特斯拉: 是的。 它往往是由于缺乏疲惫或生命力,但通常是心灵和身体从积累的毒素的净化。一个人必须时时受苦。 大多数疾病的根源在于精神。 因此,精神可以治愈大多数疾病。 作为一个学生,我得到了肆虐在利卡河地区的霍乱病。 我被治愈了,因为我父亲最终允许我学习技术,这就是我的生活。对我来说,幻觉不是一种疾病,而是心灵穿透地球三维空间的能力。

I had them all my life, and I have received them as allother phenomena around us. Once, in childhood, I was walking along the riverwith Uncle and said: “From the water will appear the trout, I’ll throw a stoneand it is cut.” That’s what happened. Frightened and amazed, his uncle cried:“Bade retro Satan’s!” He was an educated and he spoke in Latin …
我一生都拥有它们,我已经接受了它们,如同我们周围的所有其他现象。 有一次,小时候,我和叔叔沿着河边散步,说:"从水里会出现鳟鱼,我会扔一块石头,它就被切断了。" 事情真的这样发生。 我的叔叔吓了一跳,叫道:"又回到了撒旦的时代!" 他受过教育,说的是拉丁语..。

I was in Paris when I saw my mother’s death. In the sky,full of light and music floated are wonderful creatures. One of them had amother’s character, who was looking at me with infinite love. As the visiondisappeared, I knew that my mother died.
我在巴黎看到母亲去世。 在天空中,充满了光和音乐,漂浮着奇妙的生物。 其中一个有着母亲的性格,她用无限的爱看着我。随着幻觉的消失,我知道我的母亲去世了。

Journalist: What is the seventh adjustment, Mr. Tesla?
记者: 第七个条件是什么,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: The knowledge of how the mental and vital energy transforminto what we want and achieve control over all feelings. Hindus call itKundalini Yoga. This knowledge can be learned, for what they need many years oris acquired by birth. The most of them I acquired by birth. They are in theclosest connection with a sexual energy that is after the most widespread inthe Universe. The woman is the biggest thief of that energy, and thus thespiritual power.
特斯拉: 了解精神和生命能量是如何转化为我们想要的,以及如何控制所有感觉的知识。印度教徒称之为昆达里尼瑜伽。 这些知识是可以学习的,他们可能需要很多年的时间习得,也可能是出生就获得的。 其中大部分是我生来就有的。 它们与宇宙中分布最广的性能量有着最密切的联系。女人是这种能量的最大窃贼,因此也是灵性力量的最大窃贼。

I’ve always known that and was alerted. Of myself, Icreated what I wanted: a thoughtful and spiritual machine.
我一直都知道这一点,也收到了警告。 对于我自己,我创造了我想要的: 一个深思熟虑的灵性机器。

Journalist: A ninth adjustment, Mr. Tesla?
记者: 第九个条件,特斯拉先生?

Tesla: Do everything that any day, any moment, ifpossible, not to forget who we are and why we are on Earth. Extraordinarypeople who are struggling with illness, privation, or the society which hurtsthem with its stupidity, misunderstanding, persecution and other problems whichthe country is full of a swamp with insects, leaves behind unclaimed until theend of the work. There are many fallen angels on Earth.
特斯拉: 不管在任何一天,任何时刻,做任何事情,都不要忘记我们是谁,我们为什么在地球上。那些与疾病、贫困作斗争的非凡人物,或者那些因愚蠢、误解、迫害和其他问题而伤害他们的社会,这些问题使这个国家充满了昆虫的沼泽,这些人在工作结束前都不被世人所接纳。地球上有许多堕落的天使。

Journalist: What is the tenth adaptation?
记者: 第十个条件是什么?

Tesla: It is most important. Write that Mr. Tesla played.He played the whole of his life and enjoyed it.
特斯拉: 这很重要。写下来:特斯拉先生,他一生都在玩乐,并且乐在其中。

Journalist: Mr. Tesla! Whether it relates to your findingsand your work? Is this a game?
记者: 特斯拉先生! 这与你的发现和工作有关?这真的是一个游戏吗?

Tesla: Yes, dear boy. I have so loved to play with electricity!I always cringe when I hear about the one also the Greek who stole fire. Aterrible story about studding, and eagles peck at his liver. Did Zeus did nothave enough lightning and thunder, and was damaged for one fervor? There issome misunderstanding…Lightning is the most beautiful toys that can be found.Do not forget that in your text stand out: Nikola Tesla was the first man whodiscovered lightning.
特斯拉: 是的,亲爱的孩子。 我非常喜欢玩电!当我听说还有一个希腊人偷了火的时候,我总是畏缩不前。 一个关于学习的可怕故事,老鹰啄食他的肝脏。 难道宙斯没有足够的闪电和雷声,因为一种狂热而受到伤害吗? 有一些误解...闪电是可以找到的最美丽的玩具。 务必写下来: 尼古拉特斯拉是发现闪电真正力量第一人。

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you’re just talking about angelsand their adaptation to the Earth.
记者: 特斯拉先生,你只是在谈论天使和他们对地球的适应。

Tesla: Am I? This is the same. You could write this: hedared to take upon himself the prerogatives of Indri, Zeus and Peron. Imagineone of these gods in a black evening suit, with the bowler hat and wearingwhite cotton gloves prepares lightning, fires, and earthquakes to the New YorkCity elite!
特斯拉: 是吗? 这是一样的。你可以这样写: 他敢于夺取因德里、宙斯和庇隆的特权。 想象一下这些神中的一个穿着黑色晚礼服,戴着圆顶礼帽,戴着白色棉手套,为纽约市的精英们准备着闪电、火灾和地震!

Journalist: Readers love the humor of our paper. But youconfuse me stating that your findings, which have immense benefits for thepeople, representing the game. Many will frown on it.
记者: 读者喜欢我们报纸的幽默。你的发现毫无疑问将造福人类,但你说这只是个游戏,这让我感到困惑。 许多人会对此不以为然。

Tesla: Dear Mr. Smith, the trouble is that people are tooserious. If they were not, they would be happier and much longer would havelived. Chinese proverb says that the seriousness reduces life. Visiting the innTai Pe guessed that he visits the Imperial Palace. But that the newspaperreaders would not have frowned, let’s get back to things which they considerimportant.
特斯拉: 亲爱的史密斯先生,问题是人们太严肃了。如果不是这样,他们会更快乐,也会活得更久。 中国谚语说,严肃减损什么。 参观泰朴旅馆的人以为他是参观故宫的。 但是报纸的读者不会皱眉头,让我们回到他们认为重要的事情上来。

Journalist: They would love to hear what your philosophyis.
记者: 他们想听听你的哲学是什么。

Tesla: Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feelthe rhythm and direct on it and pamper in it. It was very grateful and gave methe knowledge I have. Everything that lives is related to a deep and wonderfulrelationship: man and the stars, amoebas’ and the sun, the heart and thecirculation of an infinite number of worlds. These ties are unbreakable, butthey can be tame and to propitiate and begin to create new and differentrelationships in the world, and that does not violate the old.
特斯拉: 生命是一种节律,我们必须理解这一点。我感觉到了这种节律,我跟随这种节律来引导自己和纵容自己。 它非常感激,给了我知识。 生命的一切都与一种深刻而奇妙的关系有关: 人与星星、阿米巴虫与太阳、心与无限世界的循环。 这些关系是牢不可破的,但是它们可以被驯服和抚慰,并开始在世界上创造新的和不同的关系,这并不违反旧的。

Knowledge comes from space; our vision is its most perfectset. We have two eyes: the earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that itbecome one eye. Universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinkinganimal.
知识来自空间,我们的所见是它最完美的集合。 我们有两只眼睛: 世俗的和灵性的。 建议把它变成一只眼睛。 宇宙是有生命的,它的各种表现,就像一只会思考的动物。

Stone is a thinking and sentient being, such as plant,beast and a man. A star that shines asked to look at, and if we are not asizeable self-absorbed we would understand its language and message. Hisbreathing, his eyes, and ears of the man must comply with breathing, eyes andears of the Universe.
石头是一种有思想、有知觉的生物,和植物、动物和人一样。 一颗闪耀的星星在呼唤我们去看它,如果我们不是一个过于自私自利的人,我们就会理解它的语言和信息。他的呼吸、他的眼睛和他的耳朵必须遵从宇宙的呼吸、眼睛和耳朵。

Journalist: As you say this, it seems to me like I hearBuddhist texts, words or Taoist Parazulzusa.
记者: 就像你说的那样,我好像听到了佛教的文字,或者道教的Parazulzusa。

Tesla: That’s right! This means that there is generalknowledge and truth that man has always possessed. In my feeling andexperience, the Universe has only one substance and one supreme energy with aninfinite number of manifestations of life. The best thing is that the discoveryof a secret nature reveals the other.
特斯拉: 对! 这是人类一直拥有的普遍知识和真理。在我的感觉和经验中,宇宙只有一种物质,一种至高无上的能量,它们具有无限的生命表现形式。 最好的事情是,发现了一个秘密本质,就可以揭示其他。

One cannot hide, there are around us, but we are blind anddeaf to them. If we emotionally tie ourselves to them, they come to usthemselves. There are a lot of apples, but one Newton. He asked for just oneapple that fell in front of him.
真理无法隐藏,我们周围到处都是,但我们对之视而不见,充耳不闻。 如果我们在情感上把自己和它们联系在一起,它们就会自己来找我们。苹果有很多,但只有一个牛顿。 他只要了一个掉在他面前的苹果。

Journalist: A question that might be set at the beginningof this conversation. What was Electricity for you, Dear Mr. Tesla?
记者: 这个问题可以在谈话开始时提出。电对你来说是什么,亲爱的特斯拉先生?

Tesla: Everything is Electricity. First was the light,endless source from which points out material and distribute it in all formsthat represent the Universe and the Earth with all its aspects of life. Blackis the true face of Light, only we do not see this. It is remarkable grace toman and other creatures. One of its particles possesses light, thermal,nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical and an unidentified energy.
特斯拉: 一切都是电。 首先是光,源源不断,从中衍生出物质并以各种形式分布,代表着宇宙和地球及其生命的各个方面黑色是光的真实面孔,只是我们没有看到这一点。 对人类和其他生物来说,这是一种非凡的优雅。其中一个粒子拥有光、热、核、辐射、化学、机械和一种未知的能量。

It has the power to run the Earth with its orbit. It istrue Archimedean lever.
它有能力控制地球的运行轨道。 这是真正的阿基米德杠杆。

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you’re too biased towardselectricity.
记者: 特斯拉先生,你对电的见解真的与众不同。

Tesla: Electricity I am. Or, if you wish, I am theelectricity in the human form. You are Electricity too Mr. Smith, but you donot realize it.
特斯拉: 我就是电。 或者,如果你愿意,我就是人形的电。 你也是电,史密斯先生,只是你没有意识到这一点。

Journalist: Is it thus your ability to allow fails ofelectricity of one million volts trough your body?
记者: 你就是这样让一百万伏的电流穿过你的身体的吗?

Tesla: Imagine a gardener who is attacked by herbs. Thiswould indeed be crazy. Man’s body and brain are made from a large amountenergy; in me, there is the majority of electricity. The energy that isdifferent in everyone is what makes the human “I” or “soul”. For othercreatures to their essence, “soul” of the plant is the “soul” of minerals andanimals.
特斯拉: 想象一个被草药攻击的园丁。这的确很疯狂。 人的身体和大脑是由大量的能量构成的,而在我身上,大部分是电。 每个人都有不同的能量,这种能量造就了人类的"我"或"灵魂"。 对于其他生物的本质而言,植物的"灵魂"与矿物质和动物的"灵魂"没什么区别。

Brain function and death is manifested in light. My eyesin youth were black, now blue, and as time goes on and strain the brain getsstronger, they are closer to white. White is the color of heaven. Through mywindow one morning, landed a white dove, which I fed. She wanted to bring me aword that she was dying. From her eyes, the light jets were coming out. Neverin the eyes of any creature had I not seen so much light, as in that pigeon.
大脑的功能和死亡在光中表现出来。 我年轻时的眼睛是黑色的,现在是蓝色的,随着时间的推移,我的大脑变得越来越强壮,它们越来越接近白色。白色是天堂的颜色。 一天早晨,一只白鸽从我的窗户飞进来,我喂了它。 她想告诉我她快死了。 从她的眼睛里射出了光束。在其他任何生物的眼睛里,我从来没有看到那么多的光。

Journalist: Personnel in your lab speak about flashes oflight, flames, and lightning that occur if you are angry or into kind of risk.
记者: 你实验室里的工作人员会谈到当你生气或者有危险时会发生的闪光、火焰和闪电。

Tesla: It is the psychic discharge or a warning to bealert. The light was always on my side. Do you know how I discovered therotating magnetic field and induction motor, which made me became famous when Iwas twenty-six? One summer evening in Budapest, I watched with my friendSigetijem sunset.
特斯拉: 这是一种精神释放或警告,提醒人们警惕。光明一直在我身边。 你知道我是怎么发现旋转磁场模型和感应电动机的吗? 一个夏天的晚上,在布达佩斯,我和我的朋友 Sigetijem 一起观看日落。

Thousands of fire was turning around in thousands offlaming colors. I remembered Faust and recited his verses and then, as in afog, I saw spinning magnetic field, and induction motor. I saw them in the sun!
成千上万的火焰在成千上万的燃烧的颜色中转动。 我想起了浮士德,背诵了他的诗句,然后,就像在雾中一样,我看到了旋转的磁场和感应电机。我在阳光下看见他们了!

Journalist: Hotel service telling that at the time oflightning you isolate into the room and talk to yourselves.
记者: 酒店服务人员告诉我们,在闪电发生的时候,你们把自己隔离在房间里,自言自语。

Tesla: I talk with lightning and thunder.
特斯拉: 我与闪电和雷声交谈。

Journalist: With them? What language, Mr.Tesla?
记者: 和他们一起? 什么语言Tesla 先生?

Tesla: Mostly my native language. It has the words andsounds, especially in poetry, what is suitable for it.
特斯拉: 大部分是我的母语。 它有文字和声音,特别是诗歌,以及所有适合的语言。

Journalist: Readers of our magazine would be very gratefulif you would interpret that.
记者: 我们杂志的读者会非常感激,如果你能解释一下的话。

Tesla: The sound does not exist only in the thunder andlightning, but, in a transformation into the brightness and color. A color canbe heard. Language is of the words, which means that it is from the sounds andcolors. Every thunder and lightning is different and has their names. I callsome of them by the names of those who were close in my life, or by those whomI admire. In the sky brightness and thunder live my mother, sister, BrotherDaniel, a poet Jovan Jovanovich Zmaj and other persons of Serbian history.Names such As Isaiah, Ezekiel, Leonardo, Beethoven, Goya, Faraday, Pushkin andall burning fires mark shoals and tangles of lightning and thunder, which doesnot stop all night bringing to the Earth precious rain and burning trees orvillages.
特斯拉: 这种声音并不仅仅存在于雷声和闪电中,而是在一种转化成亮度和色彩的过程中。我可以听到颜色。 语言是由词语组成的,这意味着语言是由声音和颜色组成的。 每一个雷电都是不同的,都有自己的名字。 在天空的光辉和闪电中,住着我的母亲、姐姐、弟弟丹尼尔、诗人约万· 约万诺维奇 · 兹马伊和其他一些塞尔维亚历史人物。 像以赛亚、伊齐基尔、莱昂纳多、贝多芬、戈雅、法拉第、普希金这样的名字,以及所有燃烧的火焰,标志着沙滩、闪电和雷声的缠绕,它们不停地给地球带来宝贵的雨水,烧毁树木或村庄。

There is lightning and thunder, and they are the brightestand most powerful, that will not vanish. They are coming back and I recognizethem among the thousands.
闪电和雷声,它们是最明亮最强大的,永远不会消失。 他们又回来了,我在成千上万的人中认出了他们。

Journalist: For you, science or poetry is the same?
记者: 对你来说,科学和诗歌是一样的吗?

Tesla: These are the two eyes of one person. William Blakewas taught that the Universe was born from the imagination, that it maintainsand it will exist as long as there is a last man on the Earth. With it was awheel to which astronomers can collect the stars of all galaxies. It is thecreative energy identical to the light energy.
特斯拉: 这是一个人的两只眼睛。威廉 · 布莱克被教导说,宇宙是从想象中诞生的,只要地球上还有最后一个人存在,宇宙就会继续存在。有了它,天文学家就可以收集所有星系的恒星。 它是与光能完全相同的创造能量。

Journalist: Imagination is more real to you than life itself?
记者: 对你来说,想象力比生活本身更真实?

Tesla: It gives birth to the life. I have fed by mytaught; I’ve learned to control emotions, dreams, and visions. I have alwayscherished, as I nurtured my enthusiasm. All my long life I spent in ecstasy.That was the source of my happiness. It helped me during all these years tobear with work, which was enough for the five lives. The best is to work atnight, because the stellar light, and close bond.
特斯拉: 它孕育了生命。 我已经学会了如何控制情绪、梦想和愿景。我一直珍惜,因为我培养了我的热情。 我漫长的一生都在狂喜中度过。 这就是我快乐的源泉。 这些年来,它帮助我承受工作,它足以耗费我的五次的人生。 最好是在晚上工作,因为星光很亮,而且结合紧密。

Journalist: You said that I am, like every being, theLight. This flatters me, but I confess, I do not quite understand.
记者: 你说我和所有的生命一样,都是光。这使我很高兴,但是我承认,我不太明白。

Tesla: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith?Suffice it to believe it. Everything is light. In one its ray is the fate ofnations, each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as thesun. And remember: No one who was there did not die. They transformed into thelight, and as such exist still. The secret lies in the fact that the lightparticles restore their original state.
特斯拉: 为什么你需要理解,史密斯先生?只要相信它就够了。 一切都很轻盈。 其中一束光就是国家的命运,每个国家都有自己的光,我们把它看作是太阳。 记住: 在那里的人没有一个没有死。 它们变成了光,因此依然存在。 秘密在于这些光粒子恢复了它们原来的状态。

Journalist: This is the resurrection!
记者: 这就是复活!

Tesla: I prefer to call it: return to a previous energy.Christ and several others knew the secret. I am searching how to preserve humanenergy. It is forms of Light, sometimes straight like a heavenly light. I havenot looked for it for my own sake, but for the good of all. I believe that mydiscoveries make people’s lives easier and more bearable, and channel them tospirituality and morality.
特斯拉: 我更喜欢称之为:回到之前的能量。 基督和其他几个人知道这个秘密。 我在寻找保存人类能量的方法。 它是光的形式,有时像天堂的光一样笔直。 我寻找它不是为了我自己,而是为了大家的利益。我相信,我的发现使人们的生活变得更加容易和可以忍受,并引导他们走向精神和道德。

Journalist: Do you think that time can be abolished?
记者: 你认为时间可以被废除吗?

Tesla: Not quite, because the first feature of the energyis that it transforms. It is in perpetual transformation, as clouds of Taoists.But it is possible to leverage the fact that a man preserves consciousnessafter the earthly life. In every corner of the universe exist energy of life;one of them is immortality, whose origin is outside of man, waiting for him.
特斯拉: 不完全是,因为能量的第一个特征就是它可以转换。 它正处于永恒的变革之中,如同道家说的云朵。 但是,我们可以利用这样一个事实:一个人在地球生命之后仍然保持着意识。 在宇宙的每一个角落都存在着生命的能量,其中之一就是不朽,它的起源在人类之外,等待着人类。

The universe is spiritual; we are only half that way. TheUniverse is more moral than us because we do not know his nature and how toharmonize our lives with it. I am not a scientist, science is perhaps the mostconvenient way to find the answer to the question that always haunt me, andwhich my days and nights turned into fire.
宇宙是精神的,我们只是其中的一半。宇宙比我们更有道德,因为我们不知道他的本性,也不知道如何使我们的生活与之和谐。 我不是一个科学家,科学也许是找到这个问题答案的最方便的方法,这个问题一直困扰着我,我的日日夜夜变成了火焰。

Journalist: What’s the matter?
记者: 怎么了?

Tesla: How are your eyes brightened!… What I wanted toknow is: what happens to a falling star as the sun goes out? Stars fall likedust or seed in this or in other worlds, and the sun be scattered in our minds,in the lives of many beings, what will be reborn as a new light, or cosmic windscattered in infinity. I understand that this is necessary included in thestructure of the Universe. The thing is, though, is that one of these stars andone of these suns, even the smallest, preserves.
特斯拉: 你的眼睛怎么亮了! 我想知道的是:当太阳落下时,一颗流星会发生什么? 无论是在这个世界还是在其他世界,星星都像尘埃或种子一样落下,太阳散落在我们的头脑中,散落在许多生命中,它们将重生为新的光芒,或散落在无限的宇宙之风。我明白这是宇宙结构中必不可少的一部分。然而,问题是,这些恒星中的一颗和这些恒星中的一颗,即使是最小的恒星,都保留了下来。

Journalist: But, Mr. Tesla, you realize that this isnecessary and is included in the constitution of the world!
记者: 但是,特斯拉先生,你知道这是必要的,而且世界的构造也包括这一点!

Tesla: When a man becomes concuss; that his highest goalmust be to run for a shooting star, and tries to capture it; shall understandthat his life was given to him because of this and will be saved. Stars willeventually be capable to catch!
特斯拉:  当一个人变成脑震荡,他的最高目标必须是奔向一颗流星,并试图抓住它,他会明白他的生命是因为这个而给予他的,并将得到拯救。星星最终将有能力捕捉!

Journalist: And what will happen then?
记者: 那时会发生什么?

Tesla: The creator will laugh and say: ”It fall only thatyou chase her and grab her.”
特斯拉: 创造者会笑着说:"只有你去追她,抓住她,它才会掉下来。"

Journalist: Isn’t all of this contrary to the cosmic pain,which so often you mention in your writings? And what is it cosmic pain?
记者: 所有这些难道不是与你在文章中经常提到的宇宙之痛相反吗?什么是宇宙的痛苦?

Tesla: No, because we are on Earth … It is an illnesswhose existence the vast majority of people are not aware of. Hence, many otherillnesses, suffering, evil, misery, wars and everything else what makes humanlife an absurd and horrible condition? This disease cannot be completely cured,but awareness shall make it less complicated and hazardous. Whenever one of myclose and dear people were hurt, I felt physical pain. This is because ourbodies are made as of similar material, and our soul related with unbreakablestrands. Incomprehensible sadness that overwhelmed us at times means thatsomewhere, on the other side on this planet, a child or generous man died.
特斯拉: 不,因为我们生活在地球上...... 这是一种大多数人都不知道的疾病。 因此,许多其他的疾病,苦难,邪恶,痛苦,战争和其他一切使人类生活成为一种荒谬和可怕的状况。这种疾病不能完全治愈,但是意识应该使它变得不那么复杂和危险。 每当我亲近的人受到伤害时,我都会感到身体上的疼痛。 这是因为我们的身体是由相似的材料构成的,而我们的灵魂与牢不可破的线相连。我们有时会感到难以理解的悲伤,这意味着在这个星球的另一端,有一个孩子或慷慨的人死去了。

The entire Universe is in certain periods sick of itself,and of us. Disappearance of a star and the appearance of comets affect us morethan we can imagine. Relationships among the creatures on the Earth are evenstronger, because of our feelings and thoughts the flower will scent even morebeautiful or will fall in silence.
整个宇宙在某些时期厌倦了自己,厌倦了我们。 恒星的消失和彗星的出现对我们的影响超出我们的想象。地球上的生物之间的关系甚至更加牢固,因为我们的感情和思想,花朵将会更加芬芳,或者在沉默中凋谢。

These truths we must learn in order to be healed. Remedyis in our hearts and evenly, in the heart of the animals that we call theUniverse.
为了被治愈,我们必须学习这些真理。 补救措施在我们的心中,在动物的心中,我们称之为宇宙。

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire.He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power sincehe learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won argumentsin every single one. Live without fear.
巴克斯特· 德米特里是 Your News Wire 的作家。 他报道政治、商业和娱乐。巴克斯特自学会说话以来,已经游历了80多个国家,在每一个国家都赢得了辩论。 没有恐惧的生活。

Nikola Tesla
Никола Тесла






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