
标题: 远古星系跟现代星系有什么区别? [打印本页]

作者: Arcman    时间: 2017-3-24 11:31
标题: 远古星系跟现代星系有什么区别?
远古星系跟现代星系有什么区别?| Nature 论文推荐

原理 科研圈

在约 100 亿年前宇宙迎来了一次诞生星系的高峰,科学家刚刚发现那时的大型产星星系主要是由重子或“普通”物质组成的。这跟现代的星系截然不同,因为现代的星系深受暗物质的影响。欧洲南方天文台的甚大望远镜对宇宙早期的六个大型产星星系进行观测得出了这一意外的结果:暗物质在早期宇宙的影响力没有现在重要。

左侧是离我们较近的现代星系,右侧是离我们较远的远古星系。最新研究表明,暗物质(红色区域)对在早期形成的大质量产星星系盘有较少的影响。因此,远古星系的外围区域旋转的比现代星系要比慢的多。(图片来源:ESO/L. Calçada)


这项最新结果是由德国普朗克地外物理研究所的 Reinhard Genzel 所领导一个国际天文科研团队得出的。他们发现,不像现代的螺旋星系,这些远古星系的外围区域自转的速度比其星系中心部分的要慢的多,意味着暗物质的总量要比预计的少很多。

星系自转曲线:以恒星或气体的轨道速度为 y 轴,相对于至星系中心距离为 x 轴的图。左侧是离我们距离较近的现代星系,我们看到星系的自转曲线趋于平稳,代表存在大量暗物质。右侧是离我们非常遥远的远古星系,星系自转曲线在外围区域发生了显著的下跌,证明只有少数的暗物质。(图片来源:ESO)


这两种现象在宇宙越早期就越显著。这意味着在宇宙大爆炸后大约 30 至 40 亿年间,星系中的气体已经能够有效地凝聚成一个扁平的自转圆盘,而包裹着它们的暗物质晕则更大、更松散。只有在经历了更久远的时间后,暗物质才能够凝聚,因此它对星系自转曲线的效应到了今天才变得越来越重要。

暗物质晕(Dark Matter Halo)。(图片来源:ESA)




参考文献 https://phys.org/news/2017-03-da ... early-universe.html

注:凯斯西储大学天文系主任 Stacy McGaugh 在博客中对这项工作提出质疑,对细节感兴趣的读者可以通过以下链接阅读(英文,需翻墙)


【标题】Strongly baryon-dominated disk galaxies at the peak of galaxy formation ten billion years ago
【作者】R. Genzel, N. M. Förster Schreiber et al.
【摘要】In the cold dark matter cosmology, the baryonic components of galaxies—stars and gas—are thought to be mixed with and embedded in non-baryonic and non-relativistic dark matter, which dominates the total mass of the galaxy and its dark-matter halo. In the local (low-redshift) Universe, the mass of dark matter within a galactic disk increases with disk radius, becoming appreciable and then dominant in the outer, baryonic regions of the disks of star-forming galaxies. This results in rotation velocities of the visible matter within the disk that are constant or increasing with disk radius—a hallmark of the dark-matter model. Comparisons between the dynamical mass, inferred from these velocities in rotational equilibrium, and the sum of the stellar and cold-gas mass at the peak epoch of galaxy formation ten billion years ago, inferred from ancillary data, suggest high baryon fractions in the inner, star-forming regions of the disks. Although this implied baryon fraction may be larger than in the local Universe, the systematic uncertainties (owing to the chosen stellar initial-mass function and the calibration of gas masses) render such comparisons inconclusive in terms of the mass of dark matter. Here we report rotation curves (showing rotation velocity as a function of disk radius) for the outer disks of six massive star-forming galaxies, and find that the rotation velocities are not constant, but decrease with radius. We propose that this trend arises because of a combination of two main factors: first, a large fraction of the massive high-redshift galaxy population was strongly baryon-dominated, with dark matter playing a smaller part than in the local Universe; and second, the large velocity dispersion in high-redshift disks introduces a substantial pressure term that leads to a decrease in rotation velocity with increasing radius. The effect of both factors appears to increase with redshift. Qualitatively, the observations suggest that baryons in the early (high-redshift) Universe efficiently condensed at the centres of dark-matter haloes when gas fractions were high and dark matter was less concentrated.
【链接】 http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature21685.html

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