Arcman 发表于 2018-7-28 05:37








The source of biological tragedy - The original sin.

When the earth creatures were born, their environment was integrated with each other, and its acquired defense education promoted the divestiture of this natural fusion relationship.

Therefore, the individual nature of "survival" is "independent", and in terms of the meaning of the group of life, "survival" is originally a conserved feature of the multi-level energy system in terms of systemicity - that is, sacrifice as the basic cost Conservation of energy.

When a species in the living world is too strong, it will lead to disorder or imbalance in this natural conservation. The system's self-regulation method is embodied in the socialization level, that is, killing, plundering, war, natural disasters...; embodied in the non-social level is the so-called jungle law of the weak meat and the survival of the fittest.

In reality, whether the "independence" spirit or "shared"ism is only one of the self-defense methods against such systematic and conservative oppression, it is essentially the instinct-based randomization in the face of the state of uncertainty conservation. Trial and error mode.

This is the original sin of "living", the source of tragedy in the earth's spiritual world!

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